Shafiyy Institute
Divinely Guided and Scientifically Sound Healthcare
Meet Our Practitioners
John Wadude Laird, M.D.
Asheville, NC
(O) 707 363-5709
Services Offered: Individualized programs designed to -
Complement conventional therapies to reduce side effects & optimize outcomes.
Restore your vitality after conventional therapy.
Use natural intravenous therapies (e.g., vitamin C).
Conduct comprehensive research to identify all your available treatment options from both conventional and integrative sources; help you navigate the healthcare system to get the care you choose by making informed choices. (ie, the specialty of “medical advocacy.”).
Evaluate your own individual body chemistry through targeted laboratory testing and assessments of tumor genetics when indicated, in order to create a rational, cost-effective program of food, herbs and natural supplements that optimizes your body’s ability to heal.
Identify cutting edge options in cases of advanced disease.
Foster deep healing of your heart and spirit through the gentle, yet profound spiritual healing in the Sufi tradition.
Click here to download a description of Dr. Laird’s “medical advocacy” services.
To request a free initial call with Dr. Laird:
Call: 707-363-5709
Email: drwadude@gmail.com
​Personal invitation from Dr. Laird
When my wife was diagnosed with cancer several years ago, it occurred initially to me as a “death sentence.” Even as a physician, I was traumatized, in shock and terrified. In that first week, I cried deeply, multiple times, feeling desperate for answers.
However, within a few days I got into action: reviewing available research and consulting with colleagues around the world. My commitment to my beloved wife was to unearth the complete range of available treatment options and to put together a most effective and comprehensive program.
Her program included chemotherapy, intensive nutritional supplementation, intravenous vitamin C, acupuncture and deep mind/body/spirit healing. We combined scientifically validated treatments with what she intuitively knew would work for her.
To my relief, she achieved a great response and is doing very well. So well, in fact, that she and I committed to opening the integrative cancer care program that you’re now exploring.
I made a very important discovery while caring for Nura. On the one hand, this process was extremely stressful, financially challenging and emotionally draining. It brought me to my knees on multiple occasions. However, when I look back on it, I now realize that this journey called “cancer” was filled every day with many blessings for me, my wife, our relationship, our two daughters and our wider community of friends.
I discovered that the journey of cancer is a unique opportunity for greater love, healing and transformation: for you and for all those who care for you.
Taking everything into consideration, here are my commitments when working with you and your family.
I will listen deeply to learn what you are most concerned about and what you want.
Working together, we will create a comprehensive treatment and care program that reflects good science, incorporates a wide range of options, honors your own intuition and empowers you each step of the way.
I commit deeply to give you and your family the best care possible: every recommendation is well researched, deeply considered, and tailored to you individually. To put it a different way, every recommendation I make will meet the threshold of, “If it was my wife, (or my loved one), this is what I would do.”
Once you choose from all the options in front of you, I will support you each step of the way, whether you choose conventional, alternative or integrative approaches. Further, I will work with your medical and other integrative practitioners to help you receive the best possible coordinated care.
I am committed that this journey of cancer will bring you, and those who care for you, greater love, healing and transformation.
I recognize that everything I write is somewhat general. The best way for you to learn how we can work together and receive what you’re personally looking for would be for us to talk together over the phone. If you let me know that you’re interested in a free thirty-minute call, I will schedule a time that is mutually convenient. Thank you.
Click here to download a description of Dr. Laird’s “medical advocacy” services.
To request your free call with Dr. Laird:
Call: 707-363-5709
Email: drwadude@gmail.com
Director, Shafiyy Institute

Asheville, NC
Call: 707 363-5708
Services Offered:
Shafiyy (sha-FEE) healing sessions (see link to explanation) to help restore balance
and wholeness to your body, mind, heart and spirit.
Healing sessions to support your family members and caregivers with the stress and strain of your illness, and the accompanying financial challenges.
Coaching to help you navigate the challenges in your relationships with each other created by the stresses of cancer.
Retreat services to help deepen your healing process.
Personal Invitation from Nura Laird, M.Ed.
Here’s how we can work together to support you in your healing process. In my own personal journey with cancer, Shafiyy (sha-FEE) healing sessions played a vital role in all stages of my treatment and recovery.
I have experienced many of the challenges that we face as cancer patients: the fear and anxiety generated just by the diagnosis of “cancer,” the confusion about which kinds of treatments to pursue, and the difficulties of coping with side effects of treatment—pain, sleeplessness, discomfort, neuralgia, digestive issues, depression, etc.
I began using various Shafiyy (sha-FEE) healing processes as soon as I was diagnosed in order to preserve hope, clarity of mind and access to my own deeper intuitive faculties. I used these therapies right after my biopsy (literally while still in the recovery room) to begin clearing the deeper causes of my disease as I understood them. This led to weekly Shafiyy (sha-FEE) sessions as I went through the stresses of chemo.
Of course, I integrated natural supplements and other lifestyle changes into my program, but the Shafiyy (sha-FEE) sessions made major contributions in my own healing journey. In many cases of cancer, I believe that clearing the hidden or unconscious aspects inside ourselves that contribute to disease is essential for lasting healing, as is increasing our heart’s ability to receive love and support. I am committed to helping you receive the deepest possible healing.
​Click here for a brief description of Shafiyy healing.
To request your free ½ hour consult with Nura:
By phone: 707-363-5708
By email: nuralaird@gmail.com
Next steps
Request a free consult of ½ hour so that we become familiar with each other and I can introduce you to this style of healing.
We will clarify what are your most important concerns and what we’d like to accomplish.
At that time, if you decide you’d like to work together, we will schedule your first session.
General policies
I am most readily available for sessions on Mondays through Thursdays between 10:30 and 5 EST.
If your schedule doesn’t allow you to meet with me during these times, then together you and I work out a time that is convenient for both of us.
Each session lasts about an hour.
We can meet in person or remotely by phone, Facetime, What's app, etc.
To request your free ½ hour consult with Nura:
By email: nuralaird@gmail.com
By phone: 707-363-5708
Nura Laird, M.Ed.

Mark Yusuf Bricca, N.D., LAc
Bend, OR
For complete contact information, please go to Dr. Bricca's website:
Services Offered:
Highly individualized research, design, and implementation of integrative care
plans for all types and stages of cancer, including advanced and “difficult” situations.
In-depth laboratory testing for purposes of “terrain” assessment in order to develop your comprehensive care plan, optimally tailored to your unique physiology.
Expert guidance on how and when to utilize state of the art methods, including live cancer cell sensitivity and resistance testing, genomic/proteomic profiling, cancer cell mutational analysis, and circulating tumor cell testing, for personalized selection of therapies and implementation of “n of 1” treatments.
Dietary recommendations and lifestyle guidelines suited to your unique temperament, along with lots of support for implementing them.
Targeted nutritional supplements.
Individualized botanical (herbal) formulas drawn from eclectic Western and Chinese pharmacopeias.
Homeopathic medicines, including an advanced European system of homeopathy termed Biotherapeutic Drainage.
Helixor–a special preparation of the mistletoe (Viscum album) plant that effectively treats cancer (in addition to some other diseases) and minimizes the side-effects of conventional treatments.
Recommendations for at-home hydrotherapy.
Counseling, emotional, and spiritual care and support.
Prescription medications.
Appropriate referrals to and collaboration with specialists and colleagues whom I trust.
For a more thorough description of Dr. Bricca’s philosophy and clinical approach to integrative cancer healing, please visit his personal website at http://www.bodhicittahealingarts.com/ .
Personal Invitation from Dr. Bricca
Being diagnosed with cancer can be totally overwhelming. It changes everything, doesn’t it? One day you’re fine, and the next day it feels like all your familiar bearings have been scrambled—like you’re free falling and can’t tell up from down. How are you supposed to go about finding your way and healing when you feel shaken to your core?
If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, you probably have lots of questions that seem tough to answer. You may be considering approaches to treatment in addition to the conventional options of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Perhaps you’re worried about the potential side effects of cancer treatments. Maybe you’re even feeling broken, doubting your ability to heal, and wondering how on earth you’re going to make it through this ordeal.
Faced with charting a course through the foreign and sometimes frightening world of cancer treatment, it can seem as though you’ve been dropped into the middle of a dark forest with nary a map or familiar landmark in sight. But, what if you had a reliable map to show you the way, if there was a treatment path others before you had followed, and if there was a lot of support available for every step of your journey?
The Shafiyy Institute exists to be one such map and I, along with my wonderful colleagues, am here to help you find your way. It really is possible to treat cancer and other difficult diseases with a comprehensive approach that harnesses the synergy between conventional and complementary therapies while it supports and maximizes your innate ability to heal.
Perhaps you’re saying to yourself, “But my circumstances are unique.” They are, and it’s essential that you find the approach to care that suits you, not just your cancer, and that you partner with practitioners who inspire you to heal. Please give yourself some time to explore your options. Discover your right healing path and then reach out for support, whether that is to me, to another Shafiyy practitioner, or to someone else.
My heartfelt wish is for your healing. May you be at peace, and may you always remember that you’re much more than “cancer”—that contained within you everything you need to heal already exists. Absolutely everything.
To learn more about what Dr. Bricca can offer you, we invite you to visit his personal website at: http://www.bodhicittahealingarts.com.

Rahima Susan Schmall, Ph.D., R.N.
Santa Fe, NM
707 318-4470
Email: rahima236@gmail.com
Services Offered:
Shafiyy (sha-FEE) healing sessions (see link to explanation) to help restore balance
and wholeness to your body, mind, heart and spirit.
Healing sessions for family members affected by a loved one living with a chronic or
life threatening condition.
Retreat services to help deepen your healing process.
Personal invitation from Dr. Schmall
Nothing turns your world upside down like a diagnosis of cancer. What is going to happen to me? Am I going to die? What about my family? My work? How will I take care of myself?
Your family is asking the same questions. What will happen? How do I support you? How do I take care of myself? What does this mean for all our hopes and dreams?
Most people in your situation swing between hope and fear, as they navigate the maze of medical exams and treatments.
As a nurse, I understand the physical effects of cancer and its treatments. As a psychologist I can guide you and your loved ones through the emotional turmoil of your journey. As a Shafiyy healer, I understand how to guide you and your family to find your spiritual center in the midst of hardship.
I have worked with many patients and families facing cancer and other chronic and life- threatening illnesses. I have faced my own serious illness and have personally pursued all the avenues of support that I’m recommending to you. In many ways, my own desire to give and to serve has emerged out of my own struggles.
In my experience, it just does not work to go through this alone, and it’s unnecessary. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how we might work together to support you in your own healing journey.
How to contact Dr. Schmall to request a free ½ hour consult:
​Call: 707 318-4470
Email: rahima236@gmail.com